General Audience


Here is a menu of common themes and topics that we speak about. Each topic is customizable; it may spark an idea of what your group needs to hear:

*Breaking Stigmas

Finding Wholeness: this session helps the audience learn how to stop the sexual mistakes of their past from reaching into their future.


We bring truth about God's design for the body and soul to be an integrated part of spiritual health.

The Essential Family

Through testimony and Biblical insight, we show how having an intentional family life is key to bringing Jesus to this generation (1-3 sessions).

Talking to Your Kids About Sex

We share the value of early, awkward conversations for the sake of their future and some of the key lessons every parent needs to know (1-3 sessions).

*Wrestling with Identity

In this session, we take a look at the concept of gender, and teach how to find peace with who we are as sons and daughters, through the blessing of God the Father.

*Topics can be adapted and are applicable to all audiences.