est. 2018

about the union

The Union Movement exists to help people find wholeness by presenting a gospel-centred, holistic approach to the topics of identity, sexuality, and relationships. We develop resources, speak at events, and support local churches and leaders who desire to cultivate healthy cultures.


In a world of judgement and despair, we bring a compassionate message focused on the redeeming work of Jesus Christ. Through Him, all are welcome and restoration is possible.


We intently share insight about human sexuality (with all its wonder and struggle) by bringing together Biblical, historical, and cultural perspectives. The messages are designed to bring personal freedom, untangle confusion, and address sensitive topics such as family of origin, past sexual experiences, self-perception and overall relational health.

 Our Story

As a young man, Bryan was into the party scene, depressed, angry and addicted to porn. Meanwhile, Bonnie was the homeschooled church teen girl whose naivety was shattered by the sexual sin of a church leader. Though our backgrounds were vastly different, we were both deeply impacted by sexual brokenness.

As we found restoration and freedom, our passion grew to help others find wholeness and to strengthen churches to do the same. We founded The Union Movement for this purpose.

We have been married since 2007, and are now mom and dad to six fantastic sons. We have had experience serving in nearly every aspect of church ministry and believe that a healthy local church is a key part of God’s answer to a hurting world.


  • Yes, we know we’re approaching what can be an uncomfortable range of topics. It’s so personal and private, often met with strong opinions and difficult emotions. We get that because we have faced the pain from broken sexuality too. You can read more about that in our individual stories, but the short answer is - when we experienced the restorative power of Jesus and began to see how the Bible is full of insights for healthy sexuality, we knew we wanted to give ourselves to help others find restoration too. We count it an honour to get to serve individuals and churches in this capacity.

  • Right from the beginning our plan has been to do 3 things: create resources, host and speak at in-person events, and equip and train people to use their voices on the topics too. Our desire is that every church in the world could access gospel-centred messages about sexuality and become centres of healing and hope within their nation. 

    In the day-to-day, we record and release podcast episodes, write articles and blog posts, speak as guests at churches both locally and internationally, pray with people who need inner healing, connect with church leaders who want to bring these topics to their community of faith, and create content for social media. 

  • Accountability is important to us, and we have multiple layers in place.

    First, we are submitted to the church leadership of LifeSpring Church located in Abbotsford, BC and are in direct, frequent communication with them about personal and ministry related aspects of our life.

    Second, we have established an Advisory Council made up of people who know us and our values well. We meet with them quarterly to pray together with and seek wisdom from in regards to both personal life and ministry.

    Thirdly, we have covering from a missionary support organization called Commission to Every Nation; they provide pastoral care and stewardship accountability for The Union.

    Finally, we have a growing prayer team that we communicate with monthly about our needs and the strategic steps we feel God leading us to take.

  • This is a ministry to us, not a business. Our desire is to be able to release free, quality online content to a growing audience and visit churches to bring gospel-centred messages. We have been able to do this by the faithful provision of God and the beautiful generosity of like-minded people who partner financially with us.

    When churches or ministries invite us to speak, they often provide us with an honorarium and cover our cost of travel. We do not want money to be a barrier to people who are longing for our support. In those circumstances, we prayerfully evaluate our capability and may even put out a request for sponsorship.

  • Short answer? Yes, we’ve certainly faced waves of intimidation over the years.

    Long answer? We welcome your prayers for us, because we never want to hide the truth of God’s word for fear of consequence. We believe that for every individual pushing an agenda, there are even more young people who are desperate to hear that there is a way out of their shame and confusion. We are praying for wisdom and trying to show up in the way that Jesus did - in the fullness of truth and grace. We want to show compassion and hospitality coupled with honesty and a demonstration of power that will bypass the muzzling of modern society.

  • We chose the name “The Union” for multiple reasons. First, if individuals have faced pain or wounding because of sexual sin and shame, we want to help them find wholeness (an internal UNION) through the knowledge and experience of Jesus. We know that this internal healing will also make unity within relationships (friendships, marriages + family) more possible.  

    Secondly, we wanted to bring together a UNION of voices who are bravely telling their stories of hope and healing. In a culture that is trying to cancel the truth of the gospel and the wisdom of God’s boundaries for sexuality, we are encouraging people to stand up and raise their voices for the sake of this generation. Whatever your story is, and whatever your role is (student, neighbour, pastor, parent, friend, etc), the world needs you to share the answers that you have found.

  • When our graphic-designer friend presented it to us back when we launched in 2018, she explained that it was also reminiscent of the final scene of the recent movie rendition Les Miserables. The cast are gathered under a tattered white flag and and sing these words:

    Do you hear the people sing?

    Lost in the valley of the night

    It is the music of a people who are climbing to the light

    For the wretched of the earth

    There is a flame that never dies

    Even the darkest nights will end and the sun will rise

    They will live again in freedom in the garden of the lord

    They will walk behind the ploughshare

    They will put away the sword

    The chain will be broken and all men will have their reward!

    Will you join in our crusade?

    Who will be strong and stand with me?

    Somewhere beyond the barricade is there a world you long to see?

    Do you hear the people sing?

    Say, do you hear the distant drums?

    It is the future that they bring when tomorrow comes!

    Our friend didn’t know that ever since watching that movie in theatre, this song has deeply moved us, because we believe that there is a coming reformation. We believe that there are men and women who are rising up and say “ENOUGH!” to the oppression and confusion that the spirit of darkness has been pushing on them in regards to their sexuality, gender, and the temptation of how to find happiness. There is a desperation rising up that will lead to a cultural revolution - a turning back to the true God. 

    The white flag is symbolic of surrender and renewed purity. We felt it proper to include as a reminder of all these elements.